Energy & Power, Hydrogen
Investing in Green Hydrogen 2024: Tackling Green Hydrogen’s Growing Pains
The momentum behind green hydrogen has notably decelerated, with developers being hit with some hard home truths. Far fewer projects have taken the…

Expert perspectives on the business topics and trends catalyzing opportunities for sustainable growth powered by innovation.
The momentum behind green hydrogen has notably decelerated, with developers being hit with some hard home truths. Far fewer projects have taken the…
Hydrogen is commonly used in industry as a fuel or as an input in chemicals production. Its demand is growing as its popularity…
In 2021, 98% of hydrogen was produced from fossil fuels—global emissions reached over 900 Mt of carbon dioxide amounting to 2.5% of all…
Despite decarbonization targets, emissions from heavy-duty transport have risen steadily for decades — tailpipe emissions are estimated to have risen over 2% per…